Director of Cooperatives, Labor and Social welfare Office, Jolfa branch announced about producing electronic devices and computers in a village near that city.

Sahand TV interview
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Queue management system

Adaq Electronic Queue Management System

EQMS Electronic Queue Management System is one of the newest innovations in the field of automation which by using this, the traditional sense of queue is completely omitted and given its place to the virtual queue that is set up, formed and controlled through software. Examples of the benefits of using this system include:

-  Customer satisfaction, achieving customer orientation and the client’s tribute plan.

-  Saving time, energy and money

-  Order and discipline and respecting the rights of others

-  Optimum Sharing of works to users.

-  The precise controlling mechanism of the productivity and efficiency of the users and the organization.

 Assisting human resource and organizational planning through auto-registering time and different services given in system and preparing statistics reports.

 Increasing Security


Old Queue Styles

Using ADAQ Queue Systems


Some specific features of ADAQ queue systems

-   The Ability of printing various types of different and Propaganda messages in tickets

Any editing in design and printed texts in tickets is provided by the software. On the “Editing ticket design” the administrator (of the system) can specify arbitrary “theme”, “queue information”, “Time information”, “propaganda slogan” and “font” and even the possibility of defining abundant messages (up to 100 messages) and planning the printing ways is provided in the system.

-  Can change automatically with any number of tickets issued or any time period.

-  Message printing can be scheduled for a specific date or time

-  Possibility of editing the annual calendar in order to print appropriate messages related to each occasion.

-  Audio Service number and audio welcome message or  advertisement

For calling new customer, the audio service states the ticket number and the related counter number in English language or Persian or in both.  Therefore there is no need for continuous look at the screen and the customer would be able to do other things such as studying, writing and etc. while waiting.

Possible to define the VIP customers (optional)

This possibility is foreseen in order to give the priority to specific customers (VIP customers), which can use software and hardware detectors according to their needs and orders.

Software Detector:

In this case, a password would be given to the VIP customer which by being entered in the touch screen, the system will put the customer in priority. The type of priority can be defined by the system administrator.

Hardware Detectors:

Two types of detector are being supported by the hardware system. (card reader, finger print)

Customer connection (CRM) via SMS

This service is particular for VIP customers. The customer would go to the bank and after getting a code as an ID would be able to connect through the cell phone to the installed system in the bank and send a text message containing the ID and a number(such as 5 or any other) as an order. The system will reply the customer by recognizing the ID and the order.

Customer connection (CRM) via telephone

This service is particular for VIP customers. In order to know how to use it Follow the instruction below:

After attending the bank and getting a code as an ID the customer would be able to call the bank and hear a voice message which asks the costumer to enter the ID first and the number including the order after.

Customer connection (CRM) via Internet

This service is particular for VIP customers. In order to know how to use it follow the instruction below:

After attending the bank and getting a code as an ID the customer will check the website, enter the customers tab and by entering the code and the password  will enter to VIP customer’s section then will ask for the desired service. (If the system is having different branches first he will choose the branch) Then the system will show the date and the time in which the customer should attend. The customer can choose the desired time and date. (This case is for organizations that has customers of different cities) In7 this system the organization and the website according to its activities can also offer other services to its customers.

Another meticulous feature of this service is that the customer by checking the bank’s website and the population density at that time and other branches would be able to choose a suitable time or a much less crowded branch and get his ticket from any branch he wishes and then attend to the branch.

Online Reporting

By this method, the central server can be connected to all affiliated sites and get informed of their situations constantly and online. You can also define or change all the counters, queues, users and all other abilities of the software from the central server, without having the expert on that places for the website which have just started using (applying) Queue management system, You can have electronic filing of information of all the branches too. Also by using this software you will be informed of abroad branches online and continuously. Possible Reports  for being obtained in this way are as follows:

-  Opening time of each counter

-  The number of customers in each counter so far (up to now)

-  Total number of Bank’s customers

-  Closing time of different counters and …

Also in case of failure, by checking the hardware statue menu you can diagnose the reason and therefore fix it quickly and precisely.

Different statistical reports ranging from a number of customers in a specified period of time, the performance of each counter, the user’s operation, waiting time, various services and etc. is one of the most important advantages of using ADAQ systems that would help you to have different kind of reports (Text and graphics, linear, three-dimensional column) in order to  optimize  the services, plan, program  and also optimize  the human resource.


one of the most important advantages of using ADAQ systems is to have different kind of reports in; optimizing the services, planning and programming and also optimizing the human resource available through different statistical reports ranging from a number of customers in a specified period, the performance of each counter, the user’s operation, waiting time, various services and etc



The summary of ADAQ queue management system facilities

-  Possibility of online reporting and controlling of all the branches via the network located in central office

-  Possibility of using the local LAN network for connecting additional speakers and monitors in different floors with no wiring

-  Possibility of using the user’s PC keyboard instead of Keypad

-  Possibility of connecting to Unix and windows networks via TCP/IP protocols

-  Access service to the central computer via LAN or WAN modem

-  Possibility of having LED, TV or LCD as the main frame

-  Possibility of customer’s statue tracking by users

-  Possibility of customer’s statue tracking by system’s administrator

-  Possibility of transferring a number to an arbitrary queue

-  Possibility of transferring predefined queue simultaneously with calling(summoning) the next person

-  Possibility of making delay in transferring

-  Recalling

-  Waiting list

-  Possibility of alarm playback (Notifier) ​​in different states for users or administrator

-  Automatic call back and returning to the queue service

-  Ability to calculate and print the waiting time and people in tickets

-  Possibility of omitting an arbitrary number

-  Preference in giving service to the queues

-  Possibility of defining VIP customers

-  Possibility of reserving turn via telephone

-  Possibility of reserving turn via SMS(text message) 

-  Possibility of reserving turn via internet

-  Managing different types of queue and counters by software

-  Different types of statistical and graphical reports

-  Possibility of printing different types of messages and advertisements in tickets

-  Possibility of merging different queues

-  The audio service number and broadcasts the audio welcome message or advertising message

 -  Possibility of printing the ticket in different languages

-  Possibility of voice calling in different languages (two languages simultaneously)

-  Possibility of connecting multiple ticket issuance devices

-  Possibility of printing two tickets for one number

-  Possibility of displaying user’s name or any kind of message on the counter’s display

-  Possibility of defining shifts for queues and users

-  Possibility of sending message from the relevant manager to the users

      -  Call services with number

-  Possibility of determining a start number for different queues

-  Ease of Installation and start (assembling)

-  Different optimum structures according to needs and application

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