Currency Displays, high-resolution
LED matrix (40*16, 75.3 diameter, in three colors) with the capability of:
- Displaying numbers in Persian and English constantly
- Displaying an additional row for showing the
other currency rates as a running screen
- Each containing five figures, in total ten
for each currency
Input port from computer for transferring data in series or parallel
regulating by the user
Input port from keyboard for transferring data in series regulating by
the user
Ram memory and back up battery to retain data in case of power failure
and Date
- Six-digit clock in 24-hour format, with three
colored LED and high-resolution (64x16) and capability of showing Persian and
English constantly with different colors
- Shamsi and Georgian date in 10 characters with
three colored LED and high resolution (80*16) and capability of showing Persian
and English continuously with different colors
- Capability of showing various countries week
days and time in Persian and English
- Chip clock lithium battery with a life
expectancy of 10 years produced in 2005 and capability of showing date up to 99
years a highly accurate crystal inside
- Changing the summer and winter time automatically
Written Display
Ability of displaying all digits and numbers of Persian and English in
small and capital
- Capability of showing various displaying effects, graphic files in bmp formats and all the fonts supported by windows
128*16 matrix equals 2048 numbers
with three colored LED
Dot Matrix LED in three colors and in 5mm diameter
Ease at changing data at any point in time with a constantly specific software by PC
Change the information via keyboard with no special expertise
Changing data via keyboard without any specialization (without the need
of any expert )
Displaying date and the daily time of week if required
Displaying environmental temperature with environmental calibration on
board if required
Possessing fixed memory for displaying services and temporary contents
(text) in case of power failure